
John O’Neill Sr.

During his 25+ years in the IT industry, John has enjoyed the opportunity to work as a consultant, architect, executive, speaker, and author. He's been involved in multi-national networking, messaging, and communications projects as well as finding solutions for small businesses allowing them to use technology to increase business opportunity and decrease operational complexity. John is a contributing editor for the Petri.com online community as well as senior contributor to Tom’s IT Pro. John has authored material for Redmond Magazine, Netwrix blog, and both Thomson-Reuters' Aspatore Books and Exec Blueprints publications. He also develops exciting technology training courses for the leader in IT training, Pluralsight. John often speaks at IT events around the nation. When he’s not presenting at a conference, John can often be found leading informative webinars. John is proud to be honored as a multi-year Microsoft MVP and for receiving NEOSA’s CIO of the Year Award.
February 4, 2015

Stopping Skeleton Key Malware from Causing Data Breaches

Proving the old adage that “criminals never sleep,” a new piece of malware is making headlines. The aptly named Skeleton Key malware, detected in mid-January, bypasses the password authentication...
December 24, 2014

5 Steps for Protection against Wiper Malware

Significant security threats emerged in 2014. Closing out this epic year with a bang is Destover, aka Wiper. Wiper, as far as security threats go, is significant. Significant enough that the FBI...
October 16, 2014

Shellshock Demands a Managed Response

Shellshock is the latest and possibly most significant IT security vulnerability identified by researchers. I imagine that by now most IT pros have heard of this threat. In a year of unprecedented...
September 23, 2014

Endpoint Protection vs Modern Threats

As IT professionals, it’s our responsibility to do everything within our power to protect our organizations from IT security threats. Unfortunately, all too often I hear fellow IT pros express an...