
Ten Simple Ways to Prevent Security Breaches in SharePoint Server 2013

SharePoint server is one of the common applications in every organization. It’s used to share information and is accessed by all the teams in the organization helping people to share documents, calendars and much more – saving time on communication. Most of the Fortune 500 companies use SharePoint, because it can be integrated with Active Directory and Microsoft Office … Continued

Recon as a Hacker’s Tool

There’s an expression I always remember from my military days, and it goes like this, “Whoever wins the recon war, wins the war”. This is very true, and nowhere is it truer than in the Wild West world of hacking. But keep in mind that styles vary. Often times this is driven by knowledge and … Continued

3 Ways to Protect the Keys to Your Kingdom – Domain Administrator Credentials

The US Government reportedly has evidence that the Sony hack in November 2014 was carried out using stolen domain administrator credentials, and while at the time of writing there has been no official confirmation, it’s conceivable that this could be the case. Windows domain administrator credentials potentially allow an attacker to gain access to all … Continued