April 2, 2013
Microsoft DNS (Domain Name Service) is the service for all computer name resolution for both the Internet and also for Microsoft’s Active Directory. Every web browser request, every Active...
March 11, 2013
A recent study reported by CIO magazine revealed SIEM challenges, saying that 1/3 of SIEM owners would stop using their current solution in favor of a more efficient and affordable solution. The...
February 11, 2013
There has been a surge in the number of account lockout incidents in the past several years. The increase is in large part due to the number of BYOD devices that are connecting to today’s networks....
October 19, 2012
Over the past several months I have had the pleasure of speaking with many customers who are looking to switch out their existing auditing platform for Netwrix Change Reporter Suite. They are most...
September 27, 2012
Anytime a software vendor’s says they require the use of agents red flags should go up in the mind of the consumer. Taking a little extra time to review and understand the reason for the agent...
It had been a while since I needed to comb through event logs to figure out some change in Active Directory. Having just joined Netwrix, I thought it may be a good idea to spend some time reviewing...