
Keeping Track of Compliance Regulations to Avoid Disasters

Imagine a world where all IT systems run just as they were once configured, and nothing bad happens to them – or nothing at all, for that matter. There is nobody who comes into your office demanding all kinds of reports to be pulled out immediately with all the changes in all the systems ready for an analysis. Imagine a world without compliance.

But wait! If there’s no inspector and no authority forcing you to keep an eye on business continuity disrupting mishaps, how will you know about stolen data, a hacked user account or a PR specialist having tried to access accounting folders? It’s probably a good thing to stay compliant and avoid violating regulations – for your own safety as well as for keeping you from paying violation fees or even ending up in jail.

The October issue of “SysAdmin Magazine” is a useful asset for you to understand the compliance regulations your company falls under, know and implement the IT tips from an expert and remain on the safe side. IT compliance is not that scary, and security can become less of a nightmare, if you pay the attention it deserves.

Discover great summaries of five major compliance standards and relieve the pain of IT audits:

  • Read the articles about 5 major compliance standards – PCI DSS, HIPAA, FISMA, SOX, GLBA
  • Follow tips from IT Pros and learn how to find inactive users for SOX audit, as well as to detect security threats with PowerShell
  • Use our new How-to in case you need to monitor user logons in a domain

Take a deep dive into strategies of staying compliant and keeping critical IT systems of you organization safe – with “SysAdmin Magazine”!


Danny is a former Senior Sales Engineer at Netwrix, a blogger and a presenter with over 10 years of experience in IT.