
How to Automate PowerShell Scripts with Task Scheduler


Windows Task Scheduler enables users to schedule tasks to run at a specific date and time, on a defined schedule, or when triggered by certain events. This built-in tool of Windows operating systems helps improve efficiency and ensure reliable execution of repetitive tasks. In this blog, we will show you how to run a PowerShell script from Task Scheduler and how to create scheduled tasks using PowerShell.

Setting Up PowerShell Scripts for Automation

Understanding Task Scheduler

The Task Scheduler library is a collection of all defined tasks, organized into folders. For each task, the GUI provides the following tabs:

  • General — The tasks’ name and description, the account it should run under, and other security options.
  • Triggers — The conditions that start a task, which can be time-based (e.g., daily, weekly), event-based (e.g., at system startup or user login), or custom
  • Actions — The operations executed when a task is triggered, such as starting a program.
  • Conditions — Criteria that control the execution of a task based on the state of the computer, such as only running when the computer is idle for a specific period
  • Settings — Additional configurations that determine how and when a task is run, such as restarting a task if it fails or stopping it if it runs longer than expected
  • History — A history of task executions, including start times, end times, and any errors or warnings encountered

Benefits of using Task Scheduler for Automating PowerShell Scripts

Automating PowerShell scripts through the PowerShell Task Scheduler offers many benefits, including the following:

  • Time savings — When you run PowerShell scripts from Task Scheduler, you can save a considerable amount of time that would otherwise be spent on manual execution. This is particularly beneficial for scripts that need to run during off-hours.
  • Consistency — Automation reduces the risk of human errors. A scheduled PowerShell script will execute exactly the same operations in the same order every time.
  • Reliability — With Task Scheduler, you can ensure that critical maintenance tasks, such as backup and cleanup routines, are executed regularly. This increases the system’s reliability and reduces the risk of data loss or system failures.
  • Resource efficiency — By scheduling scripts to run during periods of low system utilization, you can ensure that intensive tasks do not degrade system performance during peak hours.
  • Flexibility — Task Scheduler offers a variety of scheduling options, including the ability to run tasks at system startup, on logon, when idle or in response to specific events. This level of control enables you to tailor script execution to your specific requirements.
  • Error handling — You can configure scheduled tasks to attempt a rerun if a script fails, send emails upon task completion or failure, and write event logs. This enables timely troubleshooting and keeps you informed about the health of automated processes.
  • Security — With Task Scheduler, PowerShell scripts can run under specific user accounts, including those with elevated privileges, without requiring the user to be logged on. This helps ensures that sensitive tasks are executed securely and allows for the automation of scripts that require higher privileges. However, since adversaries can exploit scheduled and triggered tasks for malicious purposes, you should leverage an auditing or tracking system to monitor tasks for potential abuse. Netwrix Enterprise Auditor is a good example of a tool that can mitigate malicious activity.
  • Integration and extensibility — Scheduling PowerShell scripts allows for sophisticated automation scenarios that can react to system events, orchestrate multiple tasks and more.
  • Management of complex workflows — Task Scheduler can manage complex workflows, such as chaining tasks together or using conditional logic based on the success or failure of a prior task. This is invaluable for scenarios where multiple, interdependent tasks need to be carefully orchestrated.
  • Ease of use — Despite its powerful features, Task Scheduler has an intuitive graphical interface that simplifies the process of setting up and managing automated tasks. For more advanced users, Task Scheduler can also be configured and managed using command-line tools or PowerShell cmdlets.

Steps to Create a Schedule for a PowerShell Script

Before scheduling a PowerShell script with Task Scheduler, make sure the script is saved with the extension .ps1 and that it has been tested to ensure it functions correctly.

Then take the following steps:

  • Open Task Scheduler: Press Win + R, type taskschd.msc to the Run dialog and press Enter.
  • In the Actions pane on the right, click Create Task.
  • On the General tab, do the following:
  • Enter a name and description for your task.
  • Configure the appropriate security options. For example, selecting Run whether user is logged on or not will ensure the task runs even if you are not logged in. If the script requires administrative rights, check Run with highest privileges.

Click OK to save your changes.

  • Go to the Triggers tab and click New. In the New Trigger pane, choose the following:
  • When the task should begin
  • The frequency at which it should run, such as once, daily or weekly
  • Any additional options you need, such as stopping the task if it runs longer than the time you specify

Click OK to save your changes.

  • Go to the Actions tab.Click New to set up a new action to run your PowerShell script:
  • From the Action dropdown menu, select Start a program.
  • In the Program/script field, enter powershell.exe.
  • In the Add arguments field, enter the following, making sure to specify the full path to your script: -File C:\Scripts\scriptname.ps1
  • In the Start in field, specify the directory where the script, if needed. This is typically not required unless your script relies on relative paths.

Click OK to save your changes

  • Click OK  and go to the Conditions tab. St any conditions under which the task should run. For example, you can specify that the task should run only if the computer is on AC power or only if it is connected to a specific network. Click OK to save your selections.
  • Next, go to the Settings tab and configure the following:
  • Allow task to be run on demand — Check this if you want to be able to manually run the task.
  • If the task fails — Specify what should happen if the task fails, such as restarting the task.
  • Stop the task if it runs longer than — Set a time limit if applicable.
  • If the task is already running — Choose what should happen if the task is triggered but it is already running.
  • Click OK to finalize your task. You will be prompted to enter credentials for the user account under which the task will run.

Advanced Configuration and Best Practices

Controlling Script Execution and Visibility

To control script execution and visibility when using Task Scheduler, you can use the following  parameters in the Add arguments field of the Action tab:

  • NoExit — Add this parameter to prevent the PowerShell or command prompt window from closing automatically after the script has run. This option is useful for debugging or when you want the console window to stay open to check the output directly.
  • Command — Use  this parameter to specify the full path of a script to execute and any necessary arguments.

For example, you might specify the following in the Add arguments field:

-NoExit -Command -File C:\Scripts\InstallOfSoftware.ps1

Redirecting Output to a Text File or Other Destinations to Log Script Activity

Troubleshooting Common Windows Task Scheduler Issues

Here are some common issues that can prevent your scheduled tasks from running as expected and how to resolve them.

Task will not start or run.

  • Make sure the user account running the task has the necessary permissions to execute the task and access any files or directories referenced by the task.
  • Double-check the task’s configuration settings, such as the trigger settings, action parameters and conditions.
  • Ensure the task is enabled.
  • If the task uses a specific user account to run, check whether the password has been changed and update it for the task if necessary.

Task runs manually but not automatically.

  • Verify the trigger settings are correct; common issues include incorrect start times, misconfigured schedules.
  • Check for conditions that might prevent the task from running, such as that it will run only if the computer is idle for a specific time. If the task is scheduled to run during idle times or when the computer is not in use, power settings like sleep or hibernation mode can prevent execution. Adjust power settings to ensure the system remains active for the task to run.

Task stops unexpectedly or behaves incorrectly.

  • Check whether there is enough memory, CPU or disk space available for the task to run smoothly.
  • If the task involves running a script, ensure the script runs correctly outside of Task Scheduler. Consider how environment variables, paths or permissions might differ in the two situations.

Task fails with specific error codes.

Look up the error code provided in the task’s history or event log to get current information on the issue and how to resolve it.

Task runs but does nothing.

  • Verify that the action set for the task, e.g., starting a program, is configured correctly.
  • If the script is not executing due to policy restrictions, consider adding the -ExecutionPolicy Bypass argument to override the system’s execution policy and allow the script to run.
  • Make sure paths to executable files or scripts are correct, and any command-line arguments are properly specified.
  • If the task should output to a file or other destination, ensure the paths are correct and the running account has the necessary write permissions.

Monitor and Secure Scheduled Tasks

Get visibility into scheduled tasks to detect and prevent abuse with Netwrix Enterprise Auditor

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Practical Examples for Common Use Cases

Example Scripts for Common Administrative Tasks

Below are some practical use cases for common administrative tasks that you might want to automate using Windows Task Scheduler, along with sample scripts.

Back up a Folder

The following script can be used to back up a folder in C drive to a folder in local D drive:

Copy-Item -Path "C:\Source\*" -Destination "D:\Backup" -Recurse -Force

Install Software Updates

To update software or system components automatically, use this script:

Install-WindowsUpdate -AcceptAll -AutoReboot

Send User Notifications

To send reminders about upcoming events to an email distribution list, use this script:

Send-MailMessage -To "AbbeyCrawford@milkyway.com" -From "AbbeyTucker@milkyway.com" -Subject "Daily Meeting Reminder" -Body "This is a reminder about the meeting scheduled for 10:00 AM." -SmtpServer "smtp.milkyway.com"

Perform Security Scans

To automatically run security scans to detect malware or vulnerabilities, use this script:

Start-MpScan -ScanType QuickScan

Clean Up Temporary Files

This script removes temporary files from the specified directories:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Windows\Temp\*, $env:TEMP\* -Recurse | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Restart a Service

To restart a service, such as a web server or Microsoft SQL server service, you can use commands like the following:

Restart-Service -Name W3SVC
Restart-Service -Name MSSQLSERVER

Scheduling Complex PowerShell Scripts

You can schedule more complex PowerShell scripts as well. As illustrated in the examples below, it’s a best practice to include comments that describe the purpose of the various sections of a script.

Report on Disk Space Usage

This script provides a quick overview of disk space usage:

# Script to report disk space usage

Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem |

Select-Object Name, @{Name="UsedGB";Expression={"{0:N2}" -f (($_.Used - $_.Free)/1GB)}}, @{Name="FreeGB";Expression={"{0:N2}" -f ($_.Free/1GB)}}, @{Name="TotalGB";Expression={"{0:N2}" -f ($_.Used/1GB)}} |

Format-Table -AutoSize

Monitor System Health

To track system performance over time, you can use this PowerShell script to log CPU usage, memory usage and disk space to a file:

# Define the log file path

$logFile = "C:\SystemHealthLog.txt"

# Function to get system health metrics

function Get-SystemHealth {

    # Get CPU usage

    $cpuUsage = Get-Counter '\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time'

    # Get memory usage

    $memoryUsage = Get-Counter '\Memory\Available MBytes'

    # Get disk space usage for C: drive

    $diskSpace = Get-PSDrive -Name C

    $usedSpace = $diskSpace.Used / 1MB

    $freeSpace = $diskSpace.Free / 1MB

    $totalSpace = $diskSpace.Used + $diskSpace.Free / 1MB

    # Format output

    $cpuUsageFormatted = "{0:N2}%" -f $cpuUsage.CounterSamples[0].CookedValue

    $memoryUsageFormatted = "{0:N2} MB" -f $memoryUsage.CounterSamples[0].CookedValue

    $diskSpaceFormatted = "Used: {0:N2} MB, Free: {1:N2} MB, Total: {2:N2} MB" -f $usedSpace, $freeSpace, $totalSpace

    # Write to log file

    $logEntry = "Date and Time: $(Get-Date) - CPU Usage: $cpuUsageFormatted, Memory Available: $memoryUsageFormatted, Disk Space: $diskSpaceFormatted"

    Add-Content -Path $logFile -Value $logEntry


# Run the health check


Modifying or Deleting Scheduled Tasks

Before you modify or delete one or more scheduled tasks, you might want to review all existing tasks. To see the list of tasks, simply run the Get-ScheduledTask cmdlet.

Modifying a Scheduled Task

To modify a task, right-click on it and select Properties, as shown below. Then edit the required settings and click OK to save your changes.

Deleting a Scheduled Task

To delete a scheduled task, right-click on it, select Delete and confirm the action.

Creating Scheduled Tasks with PowerShell Scripts

Introduction to PowerShell Scheduling

To create scheduled tasks, you have another option in addition to Task Scheduler: PowerShell.  Creating and managing scheduled tasks directly from the PowerShell interface scheduling can significantly enhance productivity, accuracy and session reliability, especially when managing remote systems through a CimSession.

Below are some of the main PowerShell commands used to create and manage scheduled tasks:

  • New-ScheduledTask — Creates a new scheduled task object in PowerShell
  • Register-ScheduledTask — Registers a new scheduled task
  • New-ScheduledTaskAction — Defines scheduled task actions
  • New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal — Stores the user account under which the task will run
  • New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet — Defines scheduled task settings
  • New-ScheduledTaskTrigger — Defines scheduled task triggers

Advantages of Using PowerShell for Managing Scheduling Tasks

The benefits of using PowerShell to run scheduled tasks include the following:

  • Ease of use — It’s easy to specify complex triggers, conditions and actions.
  • Flexibility — You can write and execute sophisticated scripts that can perform a wide range of tasks, from simple file cleanups to intricate system diagnostics and repairs.
  • Time savings — Using a PowerShell scheduled task to run a PowerShell script eliminates the need to manually perform repetitive or complex tasks.
  • Easier troubleshooting — PowerShell scripts can log detailed information about errors or even attempt to rectify them automatically.
  • Remote execution — Scheduled tasks can be executed and throttled across multiple machines. This is particularly beneficial in larger network environments.
  • Security — PowerShell includes many security features, such as execution policy and signed scripts, to help ensure that only authorized scripts run on your system.
  • Efficiency — Using PowerShell for scheduling tasks usually consumes less system resources than third-party automation tools.
  • Adaptability — Scheduled tasks in PowerShell can be easily modified, replicated or extended to meet evolving needs.

Creating a Scheduled Task with PowerShell

A PowerShell script for creating a scheduled task includes the following elements:

  • $action — This specifies what the task will do, such as running a PowerShell script, launching an application or executing a command:
$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "PowerShell.exe" -Argument "-File C:\Scripts\InstallOfSoftware.ps1"
  • $trigger — This specifies when the task will run, such as at a specific time, daily or weekly, or based on system events:
$trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Daily -At "10:00AM"
  • $principal — This specifies the user account under which the task will run:

$principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserId “NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM” -LogonType Password

  • $settings — This includes options like how to handle task failures, conditions for running and behavior on battery power:
$settings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -AllowStartIfOnBatteries -DontStopIfGoingOnBatteries -StartWhenAvailable
  • Register-ScheduledTask — This registers the task with the Task Scheduler:
Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName “Installation of Software" -Action $action -Trigger $trigger -Principal $principal -Settings $settings

Below you can see execution of the complete script:

Windows PowerShell Scripting Tutorial for Beginners

Start your scripting journey with the PowerShell Scripting Tutorial eBook

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Security Considerations and Best Practices

Security Implications of Scheduled Tasks

When you schedule tasks, whether it’s using Task Scheduler or PowerShell, be sure to pay attention to the following security concerns:

  • Permission management — Scheduled tasks run with the permissions of the account under which they are scheduled, so they can be abused. This risk is higher if the account has elevated access. Be sure to run scheduled tasks using accounts that have the minimum necessary permissions.
  • Script security — The scripts or executables called by scheduled tasks can themselves be vectors for security vulnerabilities. For example, malicious actors can replace or modify scripts stored in unprotected directories to execute harmful commands.
  • Process hijacking — If a scheduled task is predictable and runs with high privileges, an attacker might replace the script that the task is supposed to execute with malicious code.
  • Auditing and accountability — It’s essential to keep detailed logs of scheduled task creation, modification and execution in order to detect and respond to malicious activity.
  • Denial of service — By scheduling tasks that consume excessive system resources to run at critical times, an attacker could disrupt the host system’s ability to perform its intended functions.

Running Scripts with the Appropriate Security Context and the Implications of Using Highly Privileged Accounts

To minimize your attack surface, always run scripts under an account that has the least privilege necessary for the task, and avoid running scripts with administrative rights. To accomplish this, understand what resources, permissions and throttle limits a script requires. For example, does the script need to modify system files, access specific data or communicate over the network?  

In addition, use execution policies to control the conditions under which scripts can run. For example, you can restrict the system to run scripts only if they are signed by a trusted publisher.

For scripts that need to run as a service, consider using a Windows managed service account (MSA) or group managed service account (gMSA), which are more secure because their passwords are automatically managed.

Best Practices for Creating Scheduled Tasks

To maximize the benefits of using scheduled tasks, follow these best practices:

  • Make sure each task has a clear purpose. Document both what the task does and why it’s needed to help others who might work with the task in the future.
  • Establish clear naming conventions. To prevent confusion and improper task execution, ensure that each scheduled task has a unique taskpath.
  • Review and test. Carefully review scripts before running them, especially if they are obtained from external sources, with an eye for any suspicious code. Before deploying a scheduled task in a production environment, thoroughly test it in a staged or development environment. It is also a good practice to maintain a repository of approved scripts.
  • Implement error handling. Make sure every script can manage common errors gracefully and alert relevant team members when there’s an issue that needs attention.
  • Understand dependencies. If a task depends on external services or data, ensure there are checks for availability and graceful handling of outages or delays.
  • Consider resource usage. Look for ways to make tasks less resource-intensive, such as by modifying its logic or running frequency. Tasks should be run as frequently as necessary but not so often that they create performance issues. When choosing when tasks run, consider factors like other system activity and potential conflicts.
  • Pay attention to security. In addition to the security guidelines provided above, be sure to use appropriate authentication and authorization measures for tasks that require access to secure resources, and make sure that tasks do not inadvertently expose sensitive data.
  • Avoid relying on default settings for critical tasks. Customize task configurations to suit your specific needs.
  • Store scripts in a secure location. Make sure only users who need to run or modify the scripts have access.
  • Sign your scripts. Whenever possible, sign your scripts with a digital certificate issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). This not only verifies the authorship of the script but also ensures that the script has not been tampered with since it was signed.
  • Implement monitoring and alerting. Logs are invaluable for diagnosing issues and understanding a task’s actions. Tools that notify administrators of unusual script activity or performance degradation enable quicker response.
  • Regularly review and update scheduled tasks. This includes updating any dependencies, adjusting schedules based on new business needs, and retiring tasks that are no longer necessary.


Windows Task Scheduler enables business users and administrators to run PowerShell scripts at specific dates and times on a regular basis, such as daily or weekly, or when specific conditions are met. Automating tasks using Task Scheduler saves time while ensuring that tasks are performed accurately and reliably. More advanced users can use PowerShell to create and manage scheduled tasks.

When scheduling scripts, make sure to follow best practices such as documenting the purpose of the task, using error handling and logging within the scripts, and using the least privilege principle to avoid excessive permissions, which can be a security threat if compromised and used by adversaries.


What is Windows Task Scheduler?

Windows Task Scheduler is a built-in tool in the Windows operating system that enables users to schedule tasks and processes to run automatically. With Task Scheduler, you can set up tasks to run at a specified day and time or at a certain interval like daily or weekly.

Why should I use Task Scheduler to automate PowerShell scripts?

By choosing to run PowerShell scripts from Task Scheduler, you can automate repetitive tasks, which ensures that they are performed reliably and accurately without further effort on your part.

How do I open Task Scheduler?

Press Win + R to open the Run dialog. Type taskschd.msc and press Enter.

How do I create a new task in Task Scheduler?

Click on Create Task in the Actions pane on the right side of the Task Scheduler window. Provide a name and description for the task; choose appropriate settings for the Action, Triggers, Conditions and Settings tabs; and click Save.

What are the benefits of naming and describing a task?

Providing a useful name and clear description that explains what the task does and why it is needed helps ensure that each task has a clear purpose and facilitates future maintenance by others who work with the task.

How do I determine the trigger for a scheduled task?

On the Trigger tab for a task, you can specify when the task should run, such as on schedule, at system startup or upon user logon, as well the repetition interval and other criteria.

How do I configure Task Scheduler to run a PowerShell script?

  1. Go to the Actions tab, click New andselect Start a program from the dropdown menu.
  2. In the Program/script field, input powershell.exe.
  3. In the Add arguments field, enter the following, replacing the argument InstallofSoftware.ps1 with the name of your script:
-File C:\Scripts\InstallofSoftware.ps1

How can I set up tasks to run even when the user is not logged on?

On the General tab of the task, select the option Run whether a user is logged on or not.

How do I manage task privileges and ensure scripts stop after a specified duration?

Tasks have the privileges of the account they are run under. You can specify the account to run the task on the General tab.

To ensure a script stops after a given duration, on the Settings tab, select Stop the task if it runs longer than and choose the desired number of hours or days.

How do I control script execution visibility?

You can control script execution and visibility by adding the -NoExit or -Command parameter in the Add Argument field on the Action tab.

What tips can help troubleshoot tasks that do not run as expected?

Password expiration or changes can cause a task to fail. Improperly configured or maliciously designed scheduled tasks (for example, tasks that consume excessive system resources) can lead to a denial of service on the host machine, hurting its availability and performance.

How do I modify an existing scheduled task?

Right-click on the task in the Windows Task Scheduler library, select Properties and make the desired changes to the task’s settings.

How do I delete a scheduled task?

Right-click on the task in the Task Scheduler library and choose Delete.

What are the advantages of using PowerShell for scheduling tasks?

Compared to the Task Scheduler GUI, PowerShell provides more granular control over task configuration, error handling and logging, and makes it easier to define custom scheduling logic. PowerShell also enables you to schedule and run tasks on multiple remote systems from a central location.

What are the New-ScheduledTaskTrigger and Register-ScheduledTask cmdlets used for?

The New-ScheduledTaskTrigger cmdlet is used to define triggers for the task, and the Register-ScheduledTask cmdlet is used to register the task with Windows Task Scheduler.

What are the security implications of scheduled tasks?

Running a scheduled task with a highly privileged accounts increases security risks if the account is compromised, so always choose the account with the least privilege principle in mind.

How should I run scripts with the appropriate security context?

Most important, run scripts under an account with the least privileges necessary to complete the task, and use managed service accounts (MSAs) or group managed service accounts (gMSAs) when appropriate. Consider using execution policies to allow restrict only scripts that are signed by a trusted publisher, and whenever possible, sign your scripts with a digital certificate issued by a trusted Certificate Authority.

What are the best practices for organizing and managing scheduled tasks?

Key best practices include storing scripts in a secure location with access permissions controlled and evaluating scripts in a test environment before implementing them in production.

Since 2012, Jonathan Blackwell, an engineer and innovator, has provided engineering leadership that has put Netwrix GroupID at the forefront of group and user management for Active Directory and Azure AD environments. His experience in development, marketing, and sales allows Jonathan to fully understand the Identity market and how buyers think.