June 25, 2024 | Tyler Reese

How to Conduct an Identity and Access Management Risk Assessment

Identity and access management (IAM) plays a crucial role in security by helping to ensure that each user in the organization has access to only the data, systems, and other resources they need to do their job. This article explains the critical functionality of IAM solutions and how an IAM...
June 14, 2024 | Craig Riddell

Securing the Cloud: A Comprehensive Guide to Identity and Access Management

In the not-so-distant past, managing user identities and access controls was a relatively straightforward process. Organizations operated within the confines of their on-premises networks where users logged onto a single system to access the resources they needed. This well-defined perimeter...
June 7, 2024 | Tyler Reese

Integrate Identity and Access Management with HIPAA, NIST, GDPR and CCPA in Healthcare

The healthcare sector is a top target of cyber criminals eager to steal sensitive data and extort high ransoms. The key to thwarting costly attacks is to understand that identity is the new security perimeter. By implementing robust identity and access management (IAM), healthcare organizations...