
Case Study: Eclipse Group Automates Infrastructure Change Auditing for Increased Security

With over 200 IT pros serving a wide variety of business needs, Eclipse Group offers a broad range of IT services and systems geared toward providing top-quality application development, infrastructure management, disaster recovery, risk management, modernization and more for IT departments across the globe. Following a serious security breach that impacted customer service provisions, Eclipse was looking for a way to safeguard confidential data, and knew that it was lacking the change reporting capabilities necessary to do so.

“We were looking for a solution to monitor unauthorized changes in Active Directory and Exchange, specifically to make sure that our e-mail systems and confidential data were not compromised,” said Technical Services Manager Tim Stainthorpe.

Learn more about how Netwrix was able to provide Eclipse with an integrated change reporting product suite that enabled them to proactively monitor infrastructure changes and protect against future security compromises.

Stephen is a former Product Manager at Netwrix.